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Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art. Edinburgh 
4 June to 11 September 2016

Hamburger Kunsthalle
07. Oct 2016 to 22. Jan 2017

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen,  Rotterdam
11 February to 28 May 2017

With the major exhibition Dalí, Ernst, Miró, Magritte ... the Hamburger Kunsthalle is presenting more than 150 masterpieces of Surrealism (some have never travelled) from four of the most renowned European private collections of the 20th century. World-famous icons like the Mae West Lips Sofa (1938) and a four-meter-high folding screen designed by the young Salvador Dalí, thought-provoking images by René Magritte like Not to be Reproduced (1937), poetic form creations by Joan Miró and future-oriented pictorial experiments by Max Ernst.

Renowned artworks are featured beside works yet to be discovered, like those by the little known surrealists Leonora Carrington, Dorothea Tanning and Leonor Fini. With brilliant works of all artistic media, the exhibition seduces the viewer, just as the Surrealists sought to do in the 1920s, to enter the fantasy worlds of the subconscious. Until today these works have lost nothing of their shocking and surprising, their humorous and fascinating appeal.

Surrealism, the most influential art movement of the 20th century, thus can be experienced in an unprecedented scope. At the same time, the exhibition, providing insight into the development and quality of four of the most legendary 20th century collections of Surrealism, brings forth a new focus in research: In »surreal encounters« between the works, artists and collectors, the show explores the differences and similarities in collecting behaviour and developments of the art market over a period of 50 years. It allows us to comprehend how and why the collector integrated surrealist thinking into his home, and for the first time illustrates the complex relations of collectors, supporters and artists with regard to Surrealism:

​​​​​​​SALVADOR DALÍ (1904–1989)
Mae West Lips Sofa (Mae-West- Lippen sofa), 1938
Holz, Wolle, 92 x 215 x 66 cm
Ehemals Sammlung Edward James
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen,
© Salvador Dalí, Fundació Gala-Salvador
Dalí / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016

MAX ERNST (1891–1976)
La joie de vivre (Die Lebensfreude), 1936
Öl auf Leinwand, 73,5 x 92,5 cm
Ehemals Sammlung Roland Penrose
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art,
Erworben mit Unterstützung des Heritage
Lottery Fund und des Art Fund 1995
© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016

Portrait of the Late Mrs. Partridge (Porträt der verstorbenen Mrs. Partridge), 1947
Öl auf Holz, 100,3 x 69,9 cm
Ehemals Sammlung Edward James
© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016

​​​​​​​MAX ERNST (1891–1976)
Jeune homme intrigué par le vol d'une mouche non-euclidienne (Junger Mann, beunruhigt durch den Flug einer nichteuklidischen Fliege), 1942-47
Öl und Lack auf Leinwand, 82 x 66 cm
Sammlung Ulla und Heiner Pietzsch, Berlin
© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016
Fotograf: Jochen Littkemann, Berlin

MAX ERNST (1891–1976)
Masques et phantasmes (Masken und Phantasmen), 1929
Öl auf Leinwand, 130 x 130 cm
Sammlung Ulla und Heiner Pietzsch, Berlin
© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016
Foto: Jochen Littkemann, Berlin

LEONOR FINI (1907–1996)
Due Donne (Zwei Frauen), 1939
Öl auf Leinwand, 34 x 24,5 cm
Sammlung Ulla und Heiner Pietzsch, Berlin
© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016
Fotograf: Jochen Littkemann, Berlin

RENÉ MAGRITTE (1898–1967)
L’avenir des statues (Die Zukunft der Statuen), 1937
Öl auf Gipsguss, 33 x 16,5 x 20,3 cm
Ehemals Sammlung Edward James
Tate, London
© Tate, London 2016 / VG Bild-Kunst,
Bonn 2016

RENÉ MAGRITTE (1898–1967)
La reproduction interdite (Reproduktion verboten), 1937
Öl auf Leinwand, 81,5 x 65,5 x 2 cm
Ehemals Sammlung Edward James
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen,
© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016

JOAN MIRÓ (1893–1983)
Peinture (Malerei), 1927
Öl auf Leinwand, 33 x 24,1 cm
Ehemals Sammlung Gabrielle Keiller
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art,
Edinburgh, Nachlass Gabrielle Keiller 1995
© Successió Miró / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

JOAN MIRÓ (1893–1983)
Tête de paysan catalan (Kopf eines katalanischen Bauern), 1925
Öl auf Leinwand, 92,4 x 73 cm
Ehemals Sammlung Roland Penrose
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art,
Erworben gemeinsam mit der Tate,
London, mit Unterstützung des Art Fund,
© Successió Miró / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

Voltage (Spannung), 1942
Öl auf Leinwand, 29 x 30,9 cm
Ehemals Sammlung Gabrielle Keiller
Sammlung Ulla und Heiner Pietzsch, Berlin
© The Estate of Dorothea Tanning /
VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2016

While the eccentric English Poet and commissioner Edward James (1907-1984) and his fellow countryman, the artist and curator Roland Penrose (1900-1984), were supporters and friends of the scene from the earliest, the collections of the Scottish Gabrielle Keiller (1908-1996) and the Berlin collector couple Ulla and Heiner Pietsch, active until today, reveal the lasting allure of Surrealism since the 1960s. The four collections, in parts scattered in all corners of the world, are for the first time being partially reconstructed and compared. They reinforce and complement each other in an astounding way. Precise juxtapositions of works illustrate the different collection emphases and show us how the collectors would integrate the surreal concept of the »wonderful« into their reality as well as the »uncanny« into their home.

The exhibition project of the Hamburger Kunsthalle was developed in a first-time tri-national cooperation with the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh and the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam. A large number of further international loans from significant European and American museums and private collections allow for this exiting dialogue.

The show features major works by, among others, Jean Arp, Hans Bellmer, Victor Brauner, André Breton, Leonora Carrington, Salvador Dalí, Paul Delvaux, Oscar Domínguez, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Léonor Fini, Alberto Giacometti, Valentine Hugo, René Magritte, Man Ray, André Masson, Joan Miró, Richard Oelze, Meret Oppenheim, Wolfgang Paalen, Roland Penrose, Valentine Penrose, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso, Kurt Seligmann, Yves Tanguy and Dorothea Tanning.

A richly illustrated catalogue with numerous scholary essays of international Surrealism experts will be published for the exhibition in German, English and Dutch. Accompanying the exhibition, the Hamburger Kunsthalle is also offering a comprehensive and multimedia programme.

Curator of the exhibition: Dr. Annabelle Görgen-Lammers
Assistance: Dr. Désirée de Chair

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